Thursday, April 2, 2009

assessment of technology articles

Advances in Medical Technology: The Flip Side
by Jan Pots pg787-789
main ideas of article

The main ideas of this article are pretty much that although drugs have many good uses, such as curing illnesses or simply removing pain, they may cause more health complications.

The idea behind this article states that the good that new drugs and new advances in medicine are making may help us feel better now, but in the long run may actually cause more problems with the side effects the have.

... this reminds me of all of the drug commercials that are on T.V. They say they cure certain illnesses, but then in one breath towards the end of the commercial state all of the side effects that the drugs have. So one has to weigh the pros and cons of taking a drug, cure my migraine...or possibly have a heart attack? o_O


1 comment:

  1. You truly got the main idea of the article. Is taking drugs worth the risk? Life is full of risks and the main thing is, are we willing to take them? Do you feel that you should take the pill? Yes it stops the pain for the moment but later on in life it may get worse due to it.
    -Sarah Dominguez
